En complément à mon dernier post sur l'Irlande
Most recently on 27 June, following a conference on
school patronage, the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid
Martin, in a press release, reiterated his willingness “to
divest some primary schools of their Catholic patronage,
if that is what parents want... The Catholic Church
currently controls more than 3,000 of the 3,200 primary
schools in the State ... Today’s conference is discussing
new ways to manage primary schools in an increasingly
multicultural and secular Ireland.”
However, Bishop O’Reilly at the same conference was
insistent that religious instruction must be exactly that,
delivered by teachers qualified in their own religion and
during the school day. Catherine O’Brien, Chair of the
HAI, and Paul Rowe, CEO of Educate Together,
questioned why such teaching, which clearly segregates
children by faith of their parents during their teaching
day, couldn’t take place after school hours.
The training of teachers is another serious issue in
Ireland as most institutions are denominational (no
points for guessing which denomination has the greatest
number!) so once again people’s integrity is being
compromised in their desire to teach if they are nonreligious.
So, what the future holds is a mystery.[…]. The weave of
religion and state education in Ireland remains hard to
disentangle but a poll reported on 30th June 2008 gives
some hope;
“More than 70 per cent of parents would prefer to see schools
run by the State with equal status and opportunity for all
religions…Only 43 per cent of all those with children under
the age of 15 would like to see the 2 hours now spent on
teaching religion each week retained”.
Extrait d’un article de Ann James (Humanist Association of Ireland – HAI)
N° d’Août 2008 de « International Humanist News » (IHEU)
[Désolé, mon anglais n'est pas suffisant pour m'autoriser une traduction correcte :-) ]